Almost a century of experience
Antonio Piró García, after years of training in Agustín Devesa’s workshop, begins the Piró’s family business in 1925. In the late fourties, after the Spanish Civil War had interrupted the workshop’s activity for some years, Piró consolidates his workshop in the current location in Na Jordana Street in Valencia.
Over the years, Antonio Piró’s daughter and sons, Maria José, Enrique and Antonio Piró López, begin their activity in the workshop. This helps the family business grow and obtain recognition. In 2002 they are awarded by the Guild of Jewellers and Silversmiths of Valencia with the title of Cavallers d’Argent (Silver Knights).
Antonio Piró López offsprings are in charge of the business since 2003 and since then become PIRÓ ORFEBRES S.L. Nowadays, the work continues with the family’s third generation that keeps a tradition that started almost a century ago. Besides our training in the workshop, our work is contributed by the knowledge in our studies in various degrees such as: Fine Arts, Art History and Arts and Crafts.
All this experience supports the creation process of new pieces and the restoration of cultural heritage, and the promotion through media, internet and social networking of our tradition and work.
Collaborative work
We have been working and collaborating with other professionals for a long time, creating various projects: sculptures, bookbindings, merchandising, theatrical properties. We like to adapt our experience and knowledge to other contexts.
If you want to know more, you can read this article (in Spanish):
En nuestro blog In our blog in Spanish we share interesting information about our work.