
Tiara realizada para una novia, con decoración a base de ritmos vegetales recorriendo la cinta de plata, y una venera enmarcando la pieza central, una esmeralda engarzada en oro y rodeada por otras de menor tamaño.

Monstrace of San Lorenzo of Alberique

Reconstruction of the upper part from the remains preserved after its desecration in wartime, subsequent concealment and discovery. Location of the numerous fragments found, replacement of lost elements (taking as a model those preserved in the work itself), creation of a foot, based on models of the period and geographical area, direct gilding (without previous […]

Lignum Crucis of Santo Toribio of Liébana

Lignum Crucis de Santo Toribio de Liébana

Restoration of a reliquary which, more than for its artistic importance, is important because it contains one of the most significant relics of Christianity. The intervention was based on dignifying the interior relic, restoring the metal, consolidating the pieces that required it, changing some very deteriorated methacrylate plates for bevelled glass and making a silver […]

Replica of the Holy Chalice of Valencia

Réplica del Santo Cáliz de Valencia realizada por Piró Orfebres

Replica of the Holy Chalice kept in Valencia Cathedral. Various versions are made, from replicas for decorative or devotional use, made of inexpensive materials, to the replica in the photograph, made of gilded silver, and with a silver inner cup, suitable for liturgical use.

Romanesque Tabernacle of Siguenza

Tabernacle inspired by the tradition of Spanish Romanesque pediments, with chapel fronts housing the apostolate and a pantocrator in the mystical mandorla as the main figure in the door.

Monstrace of Jativa

At the base, the martyrs of the collegiate church of Játiva are depicted in silver-plate figures.

Processional custody of Santander Cathedral

The design of this monstrance was based on the jewels that the donor wanted to be kept in the monstrance. Iconographic programme of Tabor, with Moses and Elijah and, on the shaft, the virtues (Faith and Hope, Charity is represented in the sacred form).

Crown for Purisima Virgin of Puebla del Salvador

Crown with an exclusive design for the titular image of the Old Brotherhood of María Santísima de la Concepción in Puebla del Salvador (Cuenca). It combines symbolic elements chosen by the client, jugs with lilies – alluding to the brotherhood’s coat of arms – and different jewellery votive offerings belonging to devotees of this image.

Pearls chalice

Application of jewellery to a piece, at the express wish of the donor, as a family keepsake.

Archangles chalice

It has a complete iconographic development throughout the entire piece in the surcope, knot and base of the chalice.

Romanesque chalice

Cáliz y plato de estilo románico creado por Piró Orfebres

The veneer that forms the chalice and paten is hand-beaten and polished by rubbing with agate to achieve an irregular surface, giving the piece an archaic appearance.

Gothic Crowns

Designed for a seated Virgin and child, using materials known at the time.

Glowing crown drawing

Design based on vases with lilies, an element associated with the Virgin Mary, to be made in silver, gilded silver, pearls and applied jewels.

Crown set for Our Lady of Peace

Set of crowns (with applied jewellery), olive branch and cross for the orb, both carried by the child. Material provided by the population for the making of the crowns.

Comb-like glow

Diseño con alegorías de la Virgen, rayos, estrellas, y ritmos de eses y rocallas cinceladas.

Blessing cross

Hand cross, inspired by the blessing crosses of the Orthodox rite, decorated in the Western manner.