Restoration of the image of the Inmaculate of Ontinyent

Integral restoration of the image, reinforcing and embellishing the scratching on the back, and relocation of the jewellery. The carving was restored by Xavier Ferragut.
Plate of cruets and bell

Set of cruets and bell on a tray. Made in silver, matching all the Eucharistic trousseau of a private chapel in Andorra.
Reliquary multiple

Reliquary multiple made with glided and silvered brass.

Creation of a wooden crucifix and metal appliqués for Christ, belonging to the Basilica of the Virgin of Valencia, made in collaboration with Artesanía Puerto.
Crown of Our Lady of obloquy

Restoration of the crown made by our grandfather, Antonio Piró García, on the occasion of the coronation of the Virgen de las Injurias de Callosa d’en Sarrià (Alicante). The crown dates from 1954 and its restoration was carried out in 2016.
Chalice, goblet and patens

Eucharistic trousseau made with the donation of various materials and jewellery, with which the different pieces were made, applying the most important jewels to them.

Halo for the Infant Jesus, made to match the back scratching, preserved in the historic crown set.
Holy Spirit for Our Lady in Palencia

Holy Spirit represented as a dove to be placed in the canopy of the Virgen de la Calle de Palencia.
Showcase for a Holy Grial reply

Exhibitor made for the exhibition and processional use of a replica of the Holy Chalice, belonging to a confraternity.
New plinth for Virgin of Lledó

Stand made for the correct location and exhibition of the Virgin in her dressing room. Made for the 75th anniversary of the blessing of the new image.
Tonna seashell

Decorative centrepiece made from a marine snail of the species tonna galea, with classic silver-plated brass garnish, acanthus-leaf decoration and a Moorish agate knot.
Chapel behind the tabernacle

Production of decorative elements in gilded bronze with fine gold. This is a set of both architectural (capitals, bases and modillions) and decorative (lamps) pieces.
Pulpits ornamentation

Ornamentation of the church’s two pulpits to bring them into line with the general colour scheme of the church chancel. Marble slabs with decorated brass moulding frames and central rosettes were used. An ambo was made as the seat of speech in one of the pulpits. The elements of the chancel were made beforehand: the […]

Crozier made on the model of a painting preserved in the sacristy of Valencia Cathedral. The design was reinterpreted while remaining faithful to the crozier on which it was inspired.
The frontal altar of the Corpus Christi convent of Valencia

Altar frontal to match the ambo. Design in streets separated by pilasters decorated with Putti heads. Chiselled silver plate panels with Eucharistic motifs, the central scene being the Holy Supper.

Tiara realizada para una novia, con decoración a base de ritmos vegetales recorriendo la cinta de plata, y una venera enmarcando la pieza central, una esmeralda engarzada en oro y rodeada por otras de menor tamaño.
Replica of a French holy chalice

Reproduction of a late 19th century French chalice from the original, using silicone moulds, lost wax casting, and subsequent chisel reworking to ‘refresh’ the final finish.
Mantle for Our Lady of Sorrows of our Lady of the sea in Valencia.

A Venetian style canopy, of its own design, with jug-shaped balustraded poles at the start and various strangled bodies, knots and leaf tulips along its course.
San Vicente Ferrer bronze figure

Commemorative figure, in recognition of the institution’s recognition of its patrons. Production of both the figures and institutional medals and corporate jewellery (badges, tie clips, pendants…) for the Imperial College of Orphaned Children of San Vicente Ferrer and its Foundation.
Tabernacle of the private chapel of the Archiepiscopal Palace of Valencia

Tabernacle of architectural structure. Mouldings, cornice, pilasters… Iconographic development combined with the architectural elements: Pelican, Eternal Father and scene of the Annunciation on the inside of the door.